Early Head Start - Childcare

Description: The Early Head Start (EHS) Childcare program offers full-day, full-year licensed childcare, at no cost to families, with qualified early childhood teachers in a center-based setting or with a partnering family childcare provider.

 Eligibility: The childcare option of EHS is open to families with children birth through age 3.  Income eligibility is required.  Families also qualify if they are experiencing homelessness, receive SSI, TANF or are in the foster care system.  Available for full time students and/or working parents.  The program is open to families living in Ellis, Rush, Rooks and Russell Counties.

 Services: The primary focus of the program is child development, parenting, goals to strengthen the family and self-sufficiency.  The center-based program, located in the USD 489 Early Childhood Complex, offers one infant and two toddler classrooms.  In addition, family childcare options are available.  All families receive monthly contacts with a trained Family Service Worker.

For more information, please call us at 785-623-2430 and inquire about Early Head Start childcare.


childcare flyer

EHS Childcare Flyer

Enrollment Info

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