Connections Preschool

The Early Childhood Connections 3-5 program provides preschool children and their families a head start on educational opportunities that may not be afforded to them otherwise. 

It is a comprehensive, child development program concerned with the health, education and welfare of its participants.

Connections provides services in the areas of: education, special education, nutrition, medical, dental and mental health and social services. Family engagement is a key component in the program. Parents work to meet their own individual goals to move towards self-sufficiency.

The program provides full day and half day session, four days a week as well as a home-based option. 

Families are eligible through Head Start criteria or identification of risk factors which include: single parent family, teen parents, no parental high school diploma or GED, limited English proficiency, developmental delays, or eligibility for free lunch (State Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood Block Grant). 

The program is provided at no cost to families and provides 1/3 of a child’s daily nutritional requirement. 

The USD 489 Early Childhood Connections 3 to 5 Preschool program has classrooms at the following locations:

USD 489 Early Childhood Complex
2501 East 13th Street, Hays, KS
7 classrooms full day classrooms

Simpson Elementary
1323 N. Main Street, Russell, KS
1 full day classroom

Washington Grade School
100 East 13th Street, Ellis, KS
1 classroom (2 half-day sessions)

Home-based preschool services are provided to families in Ellis, Rush, Russell and Rooks Counties. All classrooms serve as a community site for children with special needs.

For more information about 3 to 5 preschool, contact us at 785-623-2430.

Enrollment Info

preschool flyer

Preschool Flyer

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