Connections Program Options

Thanks for checking us out! USD Early Childhood Connections is a free child development, parenting and family services program for pregnant women and families with young children. There are several program options listed below for families in Ellis, Rooks, Rush and Russell Counties.
Parents as Teachers
Description: Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a no-cost parent program that serves families throughout pregnancy until your child enters Kindergarten. Parent Educators provide monthly personal home visits and regular screenings to make sure your child is healthy, safe and developing on track.
Eligibility: Open to all pregnant women and families with young children (until Kindergarten) living in the service area.
Service Area: Families living in the Hays (USD 489) and Russell (USD 407) school district.
Cost: FREE. There is no cost to families.
Early Head Start
Description: EHS serves pregnant mothers as well as children through age three. Parent Educators provide weekly personal home visits and regular screenings to make sure your child is healthy, safe and developing on track. EHS is available in Ellis, Rooks, Rush and Russell counties.
Eligibility: Pregnant women and families with children birth to 3. Income eligibility is required.
Service Area: Families living in Ellis, Rooks, Rush and Russell Counties.
Cost: FREE. There is no cost to families.
Connections Preschool (Connections 3-5)
Description: Connections 3 to 5 is a comprehensive, child development program concerned with the health, education and welfare of its participants. Services are provided in the areas of: education, special education, nutrition, medical, dental and mental health and social services. Center-based preschool classrooms are available in Hays, Ellis and Russell. Home-based preschool services are also available.
Eligibility: Families are eligible through Head Start criteria which include: single parent family, teen parents, no parental high school diploma or GED, limited English proficiency, developmental delays, or eligibility for free lunch.
Service Area: Families living in Ellis, Rooks, Rush and Russell Counties.
Cost: FREE. There is no cost to families.
USD 489 Preschool (Tuition Based)
Description: USD 489 Preschool is a program with a curriculum that is integrated across all domains: social, emotional, cognitive and physical. Play is considered very important and is a means through which children learn skills in all the mentioned above domains.
Hours of operation: Monday thru Friday offering two sessions. AM 8-10:30 and PM 12-2:30
Location: We are housed in the ECC building in Hays 2501 E. 13th.
Cost: $215 a month
For more information: contact Tina Albers at